You’ve heard it in podcasts, yoga classes, and all sorts of new age media. But what does it actually mean?!
Is it throwing in the towel? Waving the white flag? Giving in to temptation or giving up all together?
It means when you’re challenged, at an impasse, lost, or even feeling hopeless - when you feel like you’ve exhausted ALL possible options and you’re pushed to the max with everything you’ve done - finding that tiny space in your heart that is your protector, your partner, your highest good and letting THAT take over.
It means letting go of what you think you “should” do and allowing natural flow. Giving yourself permission to be human and not “know” all the time.
It’s taking right, loving action in a way that supports the highest outcome available for you in that situation.
Surrender means to recognize you’ve done the best you can up until this point and there’s a part of what’s going on that’s out of your control. You’re in the weeds and there’s some other energy bigger than you that can see the 30,000 foot view.
It doesn’t mean to stop working, it doesn’t mean you’re powerless, it doesn’t mean that you don’t know what to do next - it’s just the softening into what’s possible and what your heart really wants.
Surrendering is not selfish. It doesn’t mean do what’s ONLY best for you. What’s best for you - you’re best version of YOU - is usually best for everyone else, too. Meaning you’re taking care of yourself and moving in a direction with less resistance, so it can lighten your mood & therefore help you be better to those around you.
You are not being selfish when you surrender to your heart’s desire and take a leap of faith. You are being brave, courageous and risking the comfort/security of the box you’ve been living in that’s created the challenge you’re currently facing. Surrendering is a temporary release of tension intended to move you forward gracefully instead of pushing your way through.
Surrendering is not always easy. It is hard to feel helpless and soften at the same time.
However, finding the ability to accept what is in the current moment and embracing the courage to surrender - giving up the solution to your highest good and being open to inspiration - leads to some incredible synchronicities and powerful experiences that positively impact your life and those around you.
Ask yourself right in this moment - (in creativity, work, relationship or even your own thoughts) is there anything I’m struggling against that could improve with some gentle surrender?