Happy Love Month! Black Love, Love Love, Winter Love

Pleasure - it’s a word and an experience. It’s a state of being and a feeling. Something to be witnessed, something to live. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence (according to Oxford Languages). Notice your immediate reaction to reading that. 

Do you think that pursuing pleasure is gratuitous? Are you excited by the idea? Are you turned off? Regardless, pleasure is a vital part of thriving. We are the only animal on the planet not limited directly by our nature. We do not simply wake up, eat, sleep, exist and repeat (with the occasional/seasonal act of procreating). We as humans are gifted with the capability of using philosophy to reflect on the meaning of life and existence. We have the ability to create our destiny (to a degree) by the choices we make, the thoughts we think, and the opportunities we accept. We can choose to live beyond our nature. We can shatter that glass ceiling. 

Circling back to pleasure - I do not believe that you have to pursue pleasure in order to experience it! It’s not a chase or a search. Start simply by noticing it. 

Simple pleasures in life - hitting every green light while driving, the sound of a baby laughing, birds chirping loudly in the morning letting you know spring is near, a perfectly ripe piece of fruit, a loving glance from your sweety, an embrace that lasts just a few moments more because neither person wants to let go…

Muse on your simple pleasures!

Savor those experiences with every ounce of your being and witness your pleasures multiply. That’s about as much seeking as you need to do. 

Building that pleasure “muscle” by embracing little delights leads to stronger passions. It helps you say “yes” to trying something new. It emphasizes that learning is often pleasurable. You might find yourself enjoying the challenge of creative problem solving or squealing with delight in discovery of a new path forward. You might feel a lightness in your step and express more playfulness with those around you. 

Recently I discovered the pleasures of snowshoeing, though I typically strongly dislike winter. It saddens me that going outside feels like it takes 10x the effort compared to spring, summer, or fall. There are so many added layers of clothing, not to mention the potential for slipping on ice and landing a nasty bruise. Also, I just hate being cold! So, I’m often not the most positive person to be around in the winter, because to be honest, I find it difficult to notice the positivity that surrounds me. 

However, I’d been invited to go snowshoeing with a friend in celebration of her birthday. At first I was apprehensive, but I love celebrating special days with friends so I said yes. I followed my pleasure of celebration and it led me to a new appreciation of winter living. Snowshoeing is peaceful, active, and deeply nourishing for the senses - to my surprise. So I’ve since done it again, enjoying the simple pleasures of hearing a hawk and a crow call, seeing paw prints in the snow, watching snowflakes float through the air, simply witnessing the miracles of nature around me. I found my mood lightened and my creativity bursting! What a gorgeous experience!

So, what are your pleasures? Only you know and can discover what brings you pleasure. Think about it, experience them, then share with others. Amplify your pleasure! Now especially, the world can benefit from a bit more pleasurable.

Start NOW! And next week (especially if you’ve had an exceptionally great week) hit reply and share what you found!

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